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Review: My Favorites From COSRX

This post has been very long overdue and itโ€™s because these products have been part of my skincare routine for so long that I kind of stopped actively thinking about them. When Korean skincare first became popular in the states, COSRX was one of the first brands I heard about. They have a pretty extensive range that incorporates effective ingredients without creating any further damage to the skin, a philosophy that I am always behind. All K-beauty products that I have used have a big moisture component, which for a majority of my life I was not accustomed to. I always thought that by using more drying products, I was doing my naturally oily skin a favor. Boy, was I wrong. Moisturizing your skin is so important, it can plump up your skin, balance oil production, and give you a very natural looking glow. Therefore, it is super important to use products that address your concerns without stripping your skin and causing further irritation. COSRX hits the nail on the head with this ๐Ÿ™‚

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